PennDOT Announces Erie County Maintenance Schedule 

Oil City, PA – Erie County Maintenance Manager Jim Shaut today announced the following county maintenance schedule for the week of May 4, 2024 for roadways maintained by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT).

PennDOT crews at facilities throughout District 1, which includes Crawford, Erie, Forest, Mercer, Venango and Warren counties, complete a large scope of work on more than 3,600 miles of roadway throughout the year to help provide an efficient transportation system. Additional information about different PennDOT Maintenance Activities, including those listed in the table below, is available at

All work is weather dependent.

The Erie County maintenance schedule is:  

Fill dirt left over from PennDOT maintenance operations may be available to property owners who request the material, have accessible property near work areas, and submit a completed M-666 packet.  

Additional information on the maintenance schedule or the M-666 form is available by contacting the Erie County Maintenance Office at 814-871-4411. 

PennDOT urges motorists to slow down when driving in work zones, and also to be alert to changing conditions, avoid distractions and to pay attention to signs and flaggers. Drive responsibly in work zones for your safety and the safety of the workers. 

Subscribe to PennDOT news and traffic alerts in Crawford, Erie, Forest, Mercer, Venango, and Warren counties at  

Follow local PennDOT news on X and like the department on Facebook and Instagram. 

PennDOT District 1 is hiring for variety of positions, including CDL operators, mechanics, highway maintenance workers, civil engineers, construction inspectors, and transportation technicians. Apply online at