As a means to increase support and opportunity for broadband infrastructure investment within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA) has developed the Broadband Ready Communities (BBRC) Program. The goal of this Program is to reduce procedural, policy, and permitting barriers to broadband deployment at the municipal level and to encourage broadband infrastructure investment within participating PA communities. Participation in the BBRC Program will designate a participating municipality as a Broadband Ready Community and highlight the work they have completed to improve broadband infrastructure implementation efficiency within the commonwealth.

  Broadband Ready Communities – Talking Points for Public Meeting

Federal and state broadband initiatives presume multiple economic and social benefits will accrue from increasing broadband access. Local economic development ranks high among these benefits. Other benefits include improvements in health care delivery, access to education, energy efficiency, civic participation, and public safety.

To help facilitate broadband expansion efforts the Pennsylvania Broadband Authority has developed the Broadband Ready Communities Program. This program is intended to reduce procedural, policy, and permitting barriers to broadband deployment at the municipal level and encourage broadband infrastructure investment within participating communities to enhance opportunities for investment in broadband infrastructure deployment.

The steps our municipality took to prepare for broadband expansion are:

[Discuss any specific changes or decision to not change barriers to permitting including the duration of these changes.]


Does Broadband Ready Community designation impact a municipalities ability to obtain grant funding? Broadband Ready Community designation will not impact a municipalities ability to obtain grant funding through PBDA or other agencies. The Broadband Ready Community designation is not a requirement to participate in the BEAD program but is an opportunity for municipalities to proactively identify and reduce barriers to deploying broadband infrastructure within their community.

How will PBDA determine Broadband Ready Community designation? Each situation with a municipality will vary, and applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. PBDA will be providing significant flexibility for the municipality in our review process to obtain the designation. The goal of the program is to ensure an attainable baseline for all municipalities to achieve Broadband Ready Designation.

Does the Broadband Ready Communities program apply to permitting on PennDOT roads? Awareness of PennDOT permitting is critical, and thus the state has developed an awareness and Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) modification process. These efforts, however, are not part of the BBRC program. BBRC is solely focused on municipal right of way and owned assets. PBDA has been in contact with PennDOT Connects as part of this process and will pass on any feedback related to state roads received by partners, participating entities, and ISPs along to them.